SEBDOS is a traded service which provides settings with the support, advice and training to enable them to meet the needs of pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs. The service aims to support settings to maintain a low percentage of permanent and fixed term exclusions compared to the national average and provide support to maintain high levels of pupils with SEMH needs in a variety of settings and with attendance at the same level as their peers.
We offer a variety of PSHCE workshops to schools across both phases for whole classes and smaller groups. We also deliver assemblies on a range of topics, please contact the service for further information.
Our family team provides support to children and their families who are struggling with issues ranging from boundary setting to more intensive long term support. They use a number of assessment tools to inform the focus of the work undertaken.
The service provides bespoke training for staff in a range of settings. Our highly skilled staff are constantly undertaking training themselves in order to meet the training requirements of our stakeholders.
One to one intervention and support for children and young people across both phases. Targets are set with all stakeholders and reviewed every six weeks with outcomes measured and recorded.